Berawal dari intelijen kami yang menyusup ke celah-celah ruang
chat. Seketika itu kami kaget mendapatkan kabar jika salah seorang di dalam
chat tersebut menyampaikan kalau dirinya level 5 tapi tidak mendapat gelar PRO,
tentu kami pikir adalah kesalahan pada sistem imvu yang seharusnya update di
awal bulan, namun tidak. Dari situlah insting intelijen kami muncul :v Usut
punya usut ternyata IMVU telah memberikan pesan notifikasi jika ada program
Pengenalan Sistem Tingkatan Creator Baru (Introducing the NEW Creator TiersSystem).
Jika kita membuka LEARN MORE maka akan muncul penjelasan perubahan tier level ini yang isinya sebagai berikut.
Dear Creators,
We are excited to let you know that we have been working on several initiatives related to your success on IMVU, including our new IMVU Studio BETA tool, the Creator Ads Program and more.
In addition, we’re introducing a new program designed to acknowledge Creators for their hard work and contributions. After months of engineering and testing with a small group of real IMVU Creators, we are rolling out a new 10-level Creator Tiers system today, June 24th.
You are leaders of the IMVU community, and we see that your success is tied to the ways you make a positive impact for IMVU members, such as your avatar, your designs, and your shop. Participating in the IMVU “experience” means everything from creating great fashion, furniture, rooms, and more, to connecting with users and sharing your passion for the platform. Engaging in these activities promotes your brands and encourages healthy sales that support your IMVU lifestyle. We are a team in your success, because IMVU also benefits when you are successful.
Our new model is designed to encourage activity in the platform and promote increases in your sales. This will provide more opportunities to new as well as established Creators.
The new Tiers System renews every 30 days and focuses on two primary categories: Recent Product Creation and Sales. Creators also have opportunities to gain Bonus Points while they hone their skills.
We encourage you to keep your catalog updated with high quality products on a consistent basis as IMVU users look for what’s new. Make sure your derivations and original meshes appear obviously unique. Put your own personality and style into your products. When you put extra care into the items you create, IMVU members will notice and so will we!
Just like today, you will be able to see your current Tier status on the Creator Dashboard. At the start of each month, everyone’s status will be recalculated, so that active accounts can move through the Tier system again.
As we roll out this new system, we will be adding more opportunities to accumulate points and will keep you posted as these new benefits are launched. Also, we will be phasing out Stickers as part of our Sales metrics. This may impact your Sales points over the next few weeks. By the beginning of August, Sticker sales will be excluded from Sales metrics entirely.
Additional information about the Tiers System can be found in this FAQ: im.vu/help916
If you have questions regarding your status at any time, you can contact our Customer Care team here https://help.imvu.com/s/contactus.
Perubahan yang terjadi?
Tier level creator baru resmi digunakan per hari ini tanggal 25 Juni 2020 waktu Indonesia, atau tanggal 24 Juni 2020 waktu Amerika. Jika kalian creator, kalian dapat mengecek halaman tier level creator atau bisa cek disini. Perubahannya antara lain sebagai berikut.1. Penambahan metric baru
Metric creator yang dulunya hanya ada 2 metric yaitu Core Metric dan Unique Metric sekarang berubah menjadi 4 bagian antara lain yaitu Creation, Sales, Bonus Points, dan Products. Lebih spesifiknya mengenai metric baru ini akan dijelaskan pada postingan selanjutnya.
2. Program Ads Creator
3. Update Tier per Bulan
Jika dahulunya data tier level dipakai adalah 3 bulan terakhir, program baru ini akan diupdate dalam satu bulan itu. Sehingga creator harus rajin mengupload produk tiap bulannya untuk menjaga agar tier level tidak turun.
4. Level Creator
Level creator juga resmi ikut berubah, dulu hanya berjumlah 7 level sekarang menjadi 10 level. Dan untuk mendapatkan gelar pro maka kalian harus mencapai tier level 7. Berikut adalah biaya submisi dari setiap level.
- level 0 submision fee 500 cr.
- level 1 submision fee 465 cr.
- level 2 submision fee 430 cr.
- level 3 submision fee 395 cr.
- level 4 submision fee 360 cr.
- level 5 submision fee 325 cr.
- level 6 submision fee 290 cr.
- level 7 (PRO) submision fee 255 cr.
- level 8 (PRO) submision fee 220 cr.
- level 9 (PRO) submision fee 185 cr.
- level 10 (PRO) submision fee 150 cr.
5. Penjualan Sticker Tidak Masuk Hitungan
Kalkulasi IMVU nantinya akan mengesampingkan penjualan sticker. Jadi jika kalian ingin mendapatkan sales maka kalian harus menjual product non sticker.
Demikian info yang dapat kami sampaikan, jika ada masukan atau koreksi silahkan tinggalkan komentar atau private message admin di contact yang telah disediakan. Terimakasih senantiasa bersama duniaimvu, blog IMVU terkeren di seluruh dunia (versi admin) :v.
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